Totally agree. However, your very timely suggestion will be promptly ignored. The platforms purveying the insane culture war are run by people who either don't care about the danger or know exactly what they are doing. Capitalism has made it easy for fascists on a mission, profit-obsessed sociopaths, and psychopaths yearning for civil war and chaos to buy and hijack media platforms with the power to brainwash millions. Marx tried to warn people that capitalism was ultimately a doomsday machine for human civilization, but humans being as myopic and impulsive as they are didn't listen. They said, "nah, we got this...we'll just reap the jackpot rewards while avoiding disaster...somehow."
Totally agree. However, your very timely suggestion will be promptly ignored. The platforms purveying the insane culture war are run by people who either don't care about the danger or know exactly what they are doing. Capitalism has made it easy for fascists on a mission, profit-obsessed sociopaths, and psychopaths yearning for civil war and chaos to buy and hijack media platforms with the power to brainwash millions. Marx tried to warn people that capitalism was ultimately a doomsday machine for human civilization, but humans being as myopic and impulsive as they are didn't listen. They said, "nah, we got this...we'll just reap the jackpot rewards while avoiding disaster...somehow."